Fluoropolymer Coatings

Unleashing The Potential Benefits Of Fluoropolymer Applications

Unleashing The Potential Benefits Of Fluoropolymer ApplicationsFluoropolymers have made an enormously positive mark in advanced coating technology, revolutionizing various industries with their exceptional properties and applications. Coating Solutions of Hugo, Minnesota provides an extensive selection of fluoropolymer applications designed to deliver exceptional performance and durability – learn about them in this blog post as we discuss various kinds of fluoropolymer coatings as well as their incredible advantages!

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Selecting The Right Fluoropolymer For Your Application

Selecting The Right Fluoropolymer For Your ApplicationThere are dozens of different fluoropolymer options available on the market. Each one has its own performance, thickness, and application properties. Coating Solutions’ fluoropolymer coating experts have years of experience that allows them to know intuitively what to do. Fluoropolymer selection can be a “process of elimination” that is often necessary.
What is the function you would like it to perform? Most of the time, a customer will ask a fluoropolymer to perform a single primary function.

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Choosing The Right Fluoropolymer For Your Applications

Choosing The Right Fluoropolymer For Your ApplicationsWhen machine owners/operators search for fluoropolymers to solve their problems, many immediately think of Teflon™. But before selecting the ideal coating solution, there are several factors that must be considered: Each coating has unique properties and can be applied to a range of parts, sizes, and configurations without compromising nonstick qualities. But did you know Teflon offers over 150 distinct systems

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Fluoropolymer Metal Coating In Hugo Minnesota

Fluoropolymer Metal Coating In Hugo MinnesotaFluoropolymers have been called a “super paint” because of its durable quality and versatility amongst applications. Fluoropolymers are ideal for many industrial applications due to these qualities and more. Coating Solutions in Hugo, Minnesota provides several types for fluoropolymer coatings to extend the life of and reduce wear and tear on your industrial parts.

A fluoropolymer is a polymer with multiple carbon-fluorine bonds. Some of its key characteristics include high resistance to acids

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Selecting From A Range Of Fluoropolymers

Selecting From A Range Of FluoropolymersThere are many options currently available when it comes to selecting the right fluoropolymer type. Differences include performance capabilities, application methods, and thickness, just to name a few. It can be overwhelming to consider the many differences and determine what is the right choice for your particular application. The functional coating experts at Coating Solutions in Hugo, MN have many collective years of experience and the knowledge to help you select the best coating for your application needs

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Teflon® or Fluoropolymer Coating Application Process

Parts & Equipment Teflon® or Fluoropolymer Coating Application ProcessIf you have decided to get your company’s parts and equipment professionally coated, you have many options when it comes to choosing a professional coating application company. One of the most important things to consider is the quality and consistency of the coating application process and the turnaround time. Coating Solutions is a small business that takes great care in these two areas. Our coating application process is consistent and efficient so that we can provide the highest quality final product with the shortest turnaround time possible. Here is an overview of the steps we follow for each and every Teflon® or Fluoropolymer coating application job, no matter what type of coating we are applying.

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How Can Teflon® And Other Fluoropolymer Coatings Help Your Business?

How Can Teflon® And Other Fluoropolymer Coatings Help Your BusinessIf you own or manage a business, you are always looking for ways to increase productivity and efficiency. That is how a business grows and thrives. The recipe for a successful business is a combination of many different factors but high productivity and efficiency are top of the list. One way to improve your business’ productivity and efficiency is to keep your machinery, parts and equipment functioning well, running smoothly and doing their jobs. Over time, these parts and equipment can wear down, slow down

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Teflon® And Fluoropolymer Coating Processes

Teflon® And Fluoropolymer Coating ProcessesWhether you are needing a Teflon® or fluoropolymer coating, Coating Solutions is the right place for you. Everything we do here at Coating Solutions is done with the customer’s wants and needs in mind. We are family owned and operated so we can be more flexable. So, whether you are needing a part coated for your aerospace dynamics company or coating several parts for a mass food industry production, we are here to help.

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Coating Solutions Inc.
13525 Fenway Blvd N
Hugo, MN 55038
Phone: (651) 762-5700
Hours: M - F   7:00 - 3:30

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