Teflon Application Company

Teflon Coating Solutions In The Screen Printing Industry

Teflon Coating Solutions In The Screen Printing IndustryScreen printing (or the placing of ink on clothing materials) is extremely common and is even opening to individuals that wish to provide small businesses with custom-made clothing articles. Many people would not associate the use of Teflon™ with cloth materials and the screen printing industry, but the use of Teflon™ is quite common! Read on to see how and think about other ways in which the coating experts at Coating Solutions can help your business be more efficient.

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Specialty Systems Coating Application In Minnesota

Specialty Systems Coating Application In MinnesotaCoating Solutions specializes in applying a wide variety of Chemours®® Teflon™ coating parts and equipment used in all types of industries. Our coating specialists work with many different companies in the food processing industry all over the country. Teflon coating can be used on equipment such as waffle irons, bread pans, mixers, beaters, hoppers, and dough rollers to keep sticky and wet substances like flour and sugar from sticking, making it very difficult to clean. Teflon™ coating also extends the life of these items, allowing them to stay in production for longer, saving your company money.

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Industrial Coating Application Specialists MN

Coating Solutions, Inc. in Hugo, MN: Industrial Coating Application Specialists MNCoating Solutions specializes in industrial coating application. We use many different types of Chemours® Teflon® and other fluoropolymer coatings, including some made by Whitford. We have been in this business since 1995 and we are Minnesota’s most experienced industrial coating application specialists. Our process is careful and consistent, and we always complete quality control before we package and ship your items back to you. We realize that sending us your parts and equipment takes trust and also requires that your production is altered in some way. This is not an insignificant issue, so you have our word that we will work quickly, always offer rush shipping and keep our prices affordable, so you can count on us when you need us!

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PTFE- Coated Molds

PTFE- Coated MoldsTeflon® and Xylan® PTFE coatings are synonymous with excellent release and non-stick and therefore makes for the most logical solution, to enable suitable de-molding, would be for the application of a PTFE coating. There are many types of molds, molding a variety of materials to exacting standards, that is why within the range of PTFE coatings there is a coating that will enable engineers to maximize production rates and turnover.

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Diverse Uses For Teflon™ FEP Industrial Coating

Diverse Uses For Teflon™ FEP Industrial CoatingFluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) is an ISO 9001-certified coating that offers several distinct advantages as a coating material. Chemours®’s FEP coatings are a great option to use for non-stick, corrosion- and chemical-resistant applications. This coating is an excellent option for applications that require some of the advantages of PTFE coatings

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Fluoropolymer Product Selection

Fluoropolymer Product SelectionThe dozens of fluoropolymer options on the market can present a maze of performance, application, and thickness properties to untangle. The untrained don’t know where to start, but the fluoropolymer functional coating experts at Coating Solutions have years of accumulated knowledge that let them know intuitively where to start. Often, fluoropolymer product selection is a true “process of elimination.” Do not play a guessing game…contact the experts for advice. Following are just some things to consider when choosing the right fluoropolymer:

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Coating Solutions Inc.
13525 Fenway Blvd N
Hugo, MN 55038
Phone: (651) 762-5700
Hours: M - F   7:00 - 3:30

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