Teflon Application Company

Coating Applications Company with Fast Turnaround

Coating Solutions CompanyLooking for a coating applications company with fast turnaround times that can service your industry needs in Minnesota? Look no further than our experts here at Coating Solutions, Inc. Since 1995, our family owned coating company has been providing quality coating services to all different types of industries. From aerospace engineering to the food processing industry, Coating Solutions, Inc., has been a source of quality and sustainable coating that has successfully aided in the production of many consumer and industrial products.

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Benefits of Hiring a Women Owned Company

Teflon Application CompanyCoating Solutions is a “Women Owned Minnesota-based company” that specializes in the effective and efficient application of Chemours® Teflon® and fluoropolymer industrial coatings. We can coat anything you need – from machinery and food processing equipment to a vehicle’s seatbelt clips. Our team understands that you many have several choices when it comes to partnering with a coating application company so we work to set ourselves apart from the competition.

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Benefits of Teflon® Coating

Benefits of Teflon® CoatingIt’s almost impossible not to know what Teflon® is. If you’ve driven a vehicle around, it’s likely you’ve used Teflon®. If you’ve ever cooked with your grandma, it’s likely you have eaten food made from her infamous Teflon® frying pan. At Coating Solutions, Inc., we can do some miraculous things with Teflon®. From aerospace dynamics to scissors and garden shears, Teflon® coatings are perfect for a variety of items and industries. The benefits of Teflon® coatings are endless.

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Non-Stick Bakeware Coatings

Non-Stick Bakeware Coatings Industrial ApplicatorIf you’ve ever baked anything in your life, it’s likely that you’ve come across a sleek and functional Teflon® coating. You can tell because whatever you decided to bake likely slipped perfectly out of the pan, not sticking to it or leaving remnants behind. Then, if you were so lucky as to wash the pan after the baking was done, you may have noticed how the water beaded instead of spread freely, making even your wash a simple and easy cleanup. Teflon® coatings can do remarkable things for bakeware.

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Quality Teflon Coatings

Quality Teflon Coatings for Commercial ApplicationsIt’s no secret that many industries are turning to the use of Chemours® Teflon® and fluoropolymer industrial coatings. At Coating Solutions, Inc., we believe in our products and the many ways they can help all different types of industries. From the food processing industry to aerospace dynamics, Chemours® Teflon® and fluoropolymer industrial coatings help to ensure that the industries continue to thrive for years to come. While we believe in coatings, we are also acutely aware that in order for these coatings to work properly, it takes a tremendous amount of experience and skill to apply these coatings correctly.

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Fluoropolymer Industrial Application Company

Fluoropolymer Industrial Application CompanyAre you located in the twin cities and looking for a teflon or another fluoropolymer application company? Then come on over to Coating Solutions, located just outside of St. Paul, providing great service to the community for more than 20 years! Coating Solutions is a top of industry fluoropolymer industrial coating application company. We understand that when you ask for a service, you want it done professionally and timely and that is what we do here.

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Types of Teflon© Coating

Teflon Application CompanyWhich Teflon© coating should you be searching for? How do you know that you’re getting the right Teflon© coating for your needs? It’s all in the specific properties of the Teflon© coatings available. At Coating Solutions Inc., we offer a wide range of Teflon© coating types, all used for different purposes, in different industries, and for different properties. The properties of Teflon© coating that are most sought after are abrasion and chemical resistance, a low friction coefficient, nonstick and nonwetting surfaces, temperature stability and resistance, and ability to be used for electrical needs and industries. To help you find the right Teflon© coating for your needs, our Hugo, MN coating experts will help you understand the properties and uses for each Teflon coating we offer, so that you can make an informed decision about your Teflon©.

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Properties of Teflon® and other fluoropolymer coatings

Fluoropolymer and Teflon® coatings have many unique properties that make them useful for an array of industries. Here are some of the great and well-known properties that these coatings can bring to your industry.


Non stick properties are the biggest effect that Teflon® and other fluoropolymer coatings are known for. This has been known mostly do it consumer cooking pots and pans. Although the nonstick property for cooking is really amazing and useful, this quality is also great for other industries.

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Teflon Coating Companies

Teflon Coating CompaniesAre you looking for Teflon® Coating companies near you? Coating Solutions is located in Minnesota and is here to provide you with great customer service and do a great job. So why would you work with us? As we know, a lot of our customers produce good work, otherwise they wouldn’t still be in business. What sets us apart from other Minnesota Teflon® coating companies is that we produce great work, and produce work fast. We turnaround our projects between 3-5 days. If necessary we can even get your work done in 1 hour! That is unheard of elsewhere. We also have the lowest minimum lot charge in the industry. When you work with us you know not only that you will get great work done, but that your work will get done in a timely fashion.

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Coating Solutions Inc.
13525 Fenway Blvd N
Hugo, MN 55038
Phone: (651) 762-5700
Hours: M - F   7:00 - 3:30

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