Coating Solutions Blog

Xylan XLR® Coating Applications

Xylan XLR® Coating ApplicationsXylan-XLR® is the extra-long release version of the brand name fluoropolymer coating line created by the Whitford Worldwide Company/PPG in 2010. It is a two-coat, liquid system that has excellent non-stick properties. A heavier primer is available for better abrasion-resistance. We, at Coating Solutions, want to offer some product knowledge about Xylan XLR and hear about how you think we can work together to come up with a solution that works for you.

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PTFE Coating Solutions In The Printing Industry

PTFE Coating Solutions In The Printing IndustryTeflon™ PTFE, or polytetrafluoroethylene coating, is used in a wide variety of applications. It is used on rollers of various sizes, providing solutions for engineering applications, particularly those applications that require low-friction, non-stick, chemical-resistance or wear resistance. One of the most common uses of PTFE in the printing and paper industry, is in photocopiers, namely fuser, feed, pressure, and guide rollers.

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Teflon Coating Solutions In The Screen Printing Industry

Teflon Coating Solutions In The Screen Printing IndustryScreen printing (or the placing of ink on clothing materials) is extremely common and is even opening to individuals that wish to provide small businesses with custom-made clothing articles. Many people would not associate the use of Teflon™ with cloth materials and the screen printing industry, but the use of Teflon™ is quite common! Read on to see how and think about other ways in which the coating experts at Coating Solutions can help your business be more efficient.

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Why Women-Owned Businesses Are So Important

National Women’s Business EnterpriseWhile entrepreneurship has seen a massive surge in popularity over the past few years, it’s often geared toward males. This isn’t very pleasant to those who have thought of themselves as female entrepreneurs for decades. At Coating Solutions, we have been female entrepreneurs since before ‘entrepreneur’ was even a term back in 1995

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Fluoropolymer Metal Coating In Hugo Minnesota

Fluoropolymer Metal Coating In Hugo MinnesotaFluoropolymers have been called a “super paint” because of its durable quality and versatility amongst applications. Fluoropolymers are ideal for many industrial applications due to these qualities and more. Coating Solutions in Hugo, Minnesota provides several types for fluoropolymer coatings to extend the life of and reduce wear and tear on your industrial parts.

A fluoropolymer is a polymer with multiple carbon-fluorine bonds. Some of its key characteristics include high resistance to acids

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Coating Solutions Inc.
13525 Fenway Blvd N
Hugo, MN 55038
Phone: (651) 762-5700
Hours: M - F   7:00 - 3:30

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